The Carbon Farming Group assisted in the publication of the info sheets below. They are a very good overview of the major topics around carbon farming.

Issue Date Link
Info Sheet 1 – Greenhouse Gases and Farming Livestock Apr 2009 Download pdf
Info Sheet 2 – Soil Carbon Mar 2010 Download pdf
Info Sheet 3 – International Agreements Apr 2009 Download pdf
Info Sheet 4 – NZ Carbon Programs Mar 2010 Download pdf
Info Sheet 5 – Carbon Trading Mar 2010 Download pdf
Info Sheet 6 – Voluntary Market May 2009 Download pdf
Info Sheet 7 – Managing Farm Emissions Mar 2010 Download pdf
Info Sheet 8 – Sheep and Beef – Carbon Example Oct 2011 Download pdf
Info Sheet 9 – Dairy Farm – Carbon Example Sep 2011 Download pdf
Info Sheet 10 – Dairy, Sheep and Beef – Carbon Example Nov 2011 Download pdf
Info Sheet 11 – Arable Farm – Carbon Example Oct 2011 Download pdf
Info Sheet 12 – Carbon Forest Management May 2009 Download pdf
Info Sheet 13 – Native Forests in the ETS Sep 2011 Download pdf
Info Sheet 14 – Risks and Liabilities May 2009 Download pdf
Info Sheet 15 – Sheep & Beef – Northland Carbon example Nov 2011 Download pdf
Carbon Farming Info Report – Background Doc (1mb) Aug 2009 Download pdf


Below are copies of documents which may be of some interest.

Topic Date Link
ETS Facts and Figures – 2011 Aug 2012

View pdf

International review of GHG Calculators – including the Carbon Farming Group Calculator Jul 2012

Main document


Consultation Document for Agriculture ETS Changes July 2012 View pdf
ETS Changes – Forestry Info Sheet July 2012 View pdf
ETS Changes – Agriculture Info Sheet July 2012 View pdf
Assessing Landuse Capability and Profitabilty June 2012 View pdf
CFG Submission on Proposed ETS Changes May 2012 Download pdf
Motu note on “Why do NZers Care About Agricultural Emissions” Dec 2011 Download pdf
Comment on Biological Farming Dec 2011 Download pdf
ETS 2011 Review Report Sep 2011 Download pdf
MAF Report on a Review of the AGS, PFSI , ECFP, SLM Aug 2011 Download pdf
MfE Report on first year of ETS Aug 2011 Download pdf
ETS Agriculture Regulations Oct 2010 Download pdf
MAF Look Up Tables Jul 2011 Download Pdf
Visual Soil Assessment Summary May 2010 Download pdf
Copenhagen Accord Jan 2010 Download pdf
First Birthday Media Release Aug 2009 Download pdf
Field Days Presentation (600kb) Jun 2009 Download pdf
ETS Submission by Carbon Farming Group (53kb) Feb 2009 Download pdf